Friday, October 06, 2006

Edward DeGenaro - Guitar Hero 2006 Finalist

Ed mesmerized the crowd with his fretless guitar playing!


Anonymous said...

I love the giant rubberband sound of that fretless thing. That shoulda been one of the top 3. Very different than the usually weedly-weedly jobs.

Anonymous said...

Those high feddback notes that sounded like slide guitar through a screaming amp and the low Jaco sounding lines totally made my day.

Anonymous said...

Zappa lives! And does it without any steenkin' frets. YEAH, BABEE!

Anonymous said...

Ed is a great player, better than most in the finals,(from what I heard on these videos) I think the mistake he made was playing a fretless, he had great tone, but fretless takes along time to master the pitch..have to give him credit for having the balls to do it, if he had played a fretted guitar he'd have easily won.