Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dinosaur Jr.'s Gear Stolen In NYC

Bummer. This happened to the Derek Trucks Band not too long ago. If anyone knows anything please contact the authorities.

After a blistering set last night in Brooklyn, NY the band awoke this morning to find that their trailer had been broken into and all of the gear has been taken.

J's Amma guitar, the mountain man guitar, Lou's Rickenbacker... EVERYTHING IS GONE. They are still taking inventory to see what else is gone but they were pretty much wiped out.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Spread the word to everyone you know, every music store, pawn shop, club... anywhere you can think they may show up.

If you have ANY information let us know - This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
Thank you.

The band is driving to Amherst to see if they can get enough gear together to play the scheduled show @ Toads in New Haven, CT but it may have to be cancelled.

edit: I just added this to digg to help bring awareness - please digg it so we can get the news out there!!!! - Link. Thanks for your help!

listed below is a list of gear that was stolen out of the Dinosaur Jr trailer last night (Tuesday 8.29.06) outside of their hotel in Long Island City, NY. We would appreciate spreading the word and passing this list around in hopes of recovering their gear. Please notify and alert your local guitar shops, pawn shops, music and web stores etc. to keep an eye out for this gear. Feel free to send this list to any and all band, tour and production managers, guitar freaks, touring personnel, venues, musicians and or thieves that you think could help us.

If anyone has any information about this gear, please call Brian Schwartz at the number below or on his cell at 303.956.9671 or Bart Dahl at 212.777.0922 or on his cell at 720.331.1836. Thanks and Best, Brian


  • 1959 Fender Jazzmaster SN# 38927

  • Decal coming off. cracked headstock at top near low E peg. color black with purple/bluish sparkle coming through. adonized pick guard gold metal. tuneomatic bridge gold, tuning pegs gold.
  • 1961-3 Fender Jazzmaster SN# 62012

  • Purple sparkle, black pickup covers. headstock repaired, a whole new piece of wood was glued on for the top part of the headstock under the tuners and up a 1/2” , along the whole top of the headstock. gold tuneomatic bridge, gold tuners
  • 1964-5 Fender Jazzmaster SN# L21581

  • Orange, white pearl pickguard, stickers we're all over it, original tuners.
  • Fender Purple Jazzmaster new SN# R074329

  • Purple sparkle with matching headstock gold adonized guard tuneomatic bridge.
  • Rory Gallagher Stratocaster new SN# R25507

  • has a big gold grover tuning peg on low E
  • Rickenbacker 197? Fireglo Bass SN# 4001

  • Checker-board binding.
  • B.C. Rich Warlock Bass SN# 4242413

  • Custom pedal board with custom audio electronics RS-10 foot controller, Teese RNC2 wah pedal, boss stage tuner, mute box, and cables


  • [1] Paiste 20" 2002 medium

  • [1] Paiste 20" giant beat

  • [1] Paiste 20" 2002 crash

  • [2] Paiste 19" 2002 crash

  • [2] Paiste 15" 2002 sound edge top hi-hats

  • [1] 15" 2002 sound edge bottom hi-hats

•One Black backpack with Sony headphones, tools, etc.

Brian L. Schwartz
Bleemusic, Inc.
4780 Sterling Dr.
Boulder, CO. 80301
303.998.0001 Tel
303.998.0015 Fax

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Drummers Rejoice!

We're happy to announce the addition of Modern Drummer product reviews to the Harmony Central Library! Check 'em out!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Video update and New Products page

Hey y'all--
Until we get the Flash player implemented on the home page Video Hot Spot, we thought a happy medium would be to only have sound-free clips in the meantime. So you don't need to worry about your overbearing boss catching you surfing HC when you should be working;) So go ahead and set your home page back to if you changed it!

We've also updated the New Products page. Basically this page is all the press releases from the current month that involve new products or product updates (event-type releases are filtered out). We should have some navigation up soon that will allow you to go back through previous months, and eventually we'll have the entire 10+ years worth of press releases we have in an easy-to-navigate archive.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Summer NAMM videos continue to roll out...

Our video team is still adding to our long list of videos shot at Summer NAMM. Be sure to check the Summer NAMM Video page for the latest and greatest!

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Harmony Central Library

We've been consolidating a lot of articles, reviews, and trade show reports that have been kind of floating around the site into one place. With a wealth of information from HC's resident gear expert Craig Anderton, The Library is a great resource for any musician. Check it out and visit often as we'll be adding new content on a regular basis! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Video Issue

As most of you have probably seen by now, we recently launched the Video Hot Spot on the home page. Most of the feedback we've received has been positive, but we also hear the concerns of other folks as far as the whole auto-start thing. The solution we are working on is switching over to a Flash-based player, which will give us more control over how these videos start and how users interact with the media. The last thing we want to do is chase people away from the home page, so sit tight and know this is a top priority for us.

In the meantime, check out the new Blood Drive pedal from Coffin Case. Do these guys know how to market themselves or what?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Welcome to the Harmony Central Blog!

A quick name's Ara Ajizian, I serve as the content/news editor for Harmony Central. Thought this would be a good place to let you all in on what's hot in the day's news, new features/ideas for the site, and anything else that may cross my mind.

A little about me: I've played bass for 13 years now...nothing too fancy about my playing but I hold down a solid groove. Been getting into six-string for the past few years though as I feel it's a better instrument for writing, and I'm enjoying the challenge of becoming a guitar player. My gear includes a 40th Anniversary Strat, Marshall TSL602 combo, Epiphone Les Paul Gold Top, '94 American Standard Fender Jazz bass, and an old Hartke 15" combo that needs replacing. I've got a little garage band I put together recently...nothing serious right now as I have small children, but I look forward to getting out in the local scene as time permits. In the meantime I'm also working on a long-distance recording project with my good friend and former bandmate in Las Vegas. We're both learning about computer recording as we go along, but we're quick learners. And of course the HC community can be a big help in that regard!

Anyway, that's enough about me. I look forward to hearing feedback from the community and just getting to know some of you better.
