Thursday, August 10, 2006

Video update and New Products page

Hey y'all--
Until we get the Flash player implemented on the home page Video Hot Spot, we thought a happy medium would be to only have sound-free clips in the meantime. So you don't need to worry about your overbearing boss catching you surfing HC when you should be working;) So go ahead and set your home page back to if you changed it!

We've also updated the New Products page. Basically this page is all the press releases from the current month that involve new products or product updates (event-type releases are filtered out). We should have some navigation up soon that will allow you to go back through previous months, and eventually we'll have the entire 10+ years worth of press releases we have in an easy-to-navigate archive.



Anonymous said...

video sux.. seriously. get rid of it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The whole video thing on the home page doesn't make much sense. We don't need "bells and whistles"--we need real information!! Stop treating us like mindless consumers, and provide the tools we need to collaborate and exchange ideas. The world doesn't need another myspace or youtube.

Anyway... I'm glad you turned the sound off!

Anonymous said...

I can't find New Products from earlier in the year. I'm looking for something that came out in January. Are the older New Product blurbs on the site somewhere?

Anonymous said...

please can the video. I am no longer stopping regularly at your site because of it.

pick any of the most popular sites - they all experimented with video or flash and got rid of it on the entry page.

Not sure why that's not obvious, but you're going to kill your visit count if you continue to leave that stuff up there or if you put up some annoying flash crap.

This is not TV. why learn the hard way?

Anonymous said...

Thank You
I will make Harmony my homepage again.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, the Flash player being discussed is a "container" for videos that you can customize, not the type of Flash animation stuff the term usually means. For example, you could choose to have sound on, sound off, auto-start, not auto-start, that sort of thing. Then the people who want video (and some people do dig it) can have it, and those who don't, can go to the links if they want to see the vids. I think I got that right...Ara?

Anonymous said...

I've had Harmony Central as my homepage for many many years...until now.

Lose the video. It's not just the invasive sound, it's also the bandwidth choke (and I have a t1.)

Besides, commercials via video don't resonate with Harmony centrals core values. The video is only reinforcing the perception that Musician's Friend is going to ruin what was once the web's greatest online community for musicians.

Todd McMechen, Norcal

Anonymous said...

Have to agree that video doesn't belong on the home page. It's like sitting down at a restaurant and getting a bowl of pasta placed in front of you along with the menu.
A better idea I'd like to see on HC is a little serious reportage, maybe one article a week that's not sponsor driven. Maybe links to celebrity blogs, maybe some forgotten music artists; how about a profile of that Babya Software guy? Anything but more manufacturers PR; it's not like musicians really need more encougagement to buy stuff.

Harmony Central said...

Yes Craig, your description is correct that the player will simply be a container for our videos that can then be customized.

Musician's Friend has no desire to ruin HC, or to make it anything less than the best online community for musicians. The company is currently making changes so that HC has the resources it deserves, and I think going into 2007 you'll really start to see some results.


Harmony Central said...

The direction we want to go with the videos is to be more informative than a high pressure sales vehicle. Seeing and hearing an instrument that you would otherwise have to travel to check out, in some cases long distance, can make the difference in making an informed choice. Some items such as the Ibanez Giger guitar can only be best appreciated in person or with the help of video.

We're looking forward to improving upon what we have done. Taking the videos to the cutting edge of technology, making them informational, and a destination you will want to send your friends and coworkers.

Check out the videos blog complete with product specs and press releases:


Anonymous said...

The video is really bad. I used to come to Harmony Central everyday and now I avoid it because of the movies automatically downloading and playing everytime I visit.

Anonymous said...

Another vote to ditch the videos. I no longer visit the HC front page because of this.