Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Welcome to the Harmony Central Blog!

A quick name's Ara Ajizian, I serve as the content/news editor for Harmony Central. Thought this would be a good place to let you all in on what's hot in the day's news, new features/ideas for the site, and anything else that may cross my mind.

A little about me: I've played bass for 13 years now...nothing too fancy about my playing but I hold down a solid groove. Been getting into six-string for the past few years though as I feel it's a better instrument for writing, and I'm enjoying the challenge of becoming a guitar player. My gear includes a 40th Anniversary Strat, Marshall TSL602 combo, Epiphone Les Paul Gold Top, '94 American Standard Fender Jazz bass, and an old Hartke 15" combo that needs replacing. I've got a little garage band I put together recently...nothing serious right now as I have small children, but I look forward to getting out in the local scene as time permits. In the meantime I'm also working on a long-distance recording project with my good friend and former bandmate in Las Vegas. We're both learning about computer recording as we go along, but we're quick learners. And of course the HC community can be a big help in that regard!

Anyway, that's enough about me. I look forward to hearing feedback from the community and just getting to know some of you better.



Anonymous said...

I'd be interested to hear about the long-distance collaboration thing. Seems like something that maybe we could make a part of Harmony Central -- a "collaboration" section.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we could call that "Cyberjamming."

Anonymous said...

Imagine the possiblities of global collaboration in music :-))

Anonymous said...

Dude! good seeing you at pj gorge night 1.

e-mail me at (this will be tricky so play along)

my first name followed by my last name (valdivia)

so as to not post it here, just fill in the blanks


I don't know if she forgot my # or what, but it would be good to hear from you, bro. Thanks again for cooking the sausages!


Anonymous said...

Oh man. The light text on black background is going to kill my eyes!

Unknown said...

Any reason why The Harmoney Central forums are so anti Government, with calling Marines baby killers and child molesters. Suggesting the killing of President Bush. And threads of how to beat women? Oh, and my favorite, using Mexican Americans for MULTCH on lawns? Can you tell me why Musicians Friend supports this?

Anonymous said...

Harmony Central sucks. The place is a hot bed for loser trolls with foul mouths and low IQ's. I hate the friggin place.